Friday, May 16, 2014

Outdoor girls stuck inside...

The mini-me has a springtime cold.  So we've been stuck inside doing low-key things like drawing and reading and building with legos for a couple of days.  And, of course, sick time means t.v. time.  So, we have been watching a few movies (I've seen Frozen how many times now?) and t.v. shows on Netflix.

I love Netflix.  You should seriously consider getting an account so that you can stream shows in class for special class rewards like lunch in the classroom.  Also because Netflix has a ton of Magic School Bus episodes and most kids LOVE the Magic School Bus.  It's entertaining and visual, and they get to learn a lot of great science.  (Plus, you just can't beat Lily Tomlin as Ms. Frizzle.) 

For the little bitties, Curious George is awesome.  The episodes are two shows that are about 12 minutes each, so you could even stop after one show, if you're running short on time.  So far today, we have learned how to build an igloo, how vending machines work and how to build one using a refrigerator box, the process of shearing sheep to make wool, and where trash goes if it gets swept into a storm drain (pollution is a topic on this one).  In past episodes, we learned the life cycle of a frog, how to make a garden, how to make a piñata, and how to make backyard chickens happy if you live in a busy neighborhood.  Just about every episode features some sort of experimentation and reasoning.  Great for getting those little wheels turning!

Here's hoping that Miss Stinkerbell's cold is gone by tomorrow and that the weather is warmer so that we can get OUT of this house for awhile.

*Photo taken from Gem City Images


  1. I forgot to ask tonight in class with all the craziness if she was feeling better! I hope that she is! I love how you pointed out all the science in even younger children's shows. I loved Curious George as did my kids. It is fun to think about all the science they are getting at such an early age. I can see where all of our misconceptions come from though! Hopefully you were able to get out of the house this weekend and do some hands on science things! Your daughter is so lucky to have you in her life. Hopefully she finds a passion for all things animals and science just like her mommy!!

  2. Thank you, Johnna! Yes, she is much better now and once again enjoying the sunshine and warm weather! And you are correct about the misconceptions -- I've sure spotted a few in Curious George. Also, the movie Brother Bear is one giant misconception about bear behavior, haha!

    We did get outside on Sunday, and we looked at "baby" apples on an apple tree, yellow tomato flowers that will turn into baby tomatoes, and all of her grandma's new seashells that she brought back from North Carolina last week. We played a matching game with a seashell identification book. She seems to already have a love for nature, and I love how she is fascinated with everything she sees. If everyone could keep that curiosity as we get older, I think we world would be a much more interesting place!

    And your kids are so lucky to have you as a mom, too! Yesterday when I was listening to you talking about your son's biology studies, how much you are trying to help him through it, and how many times you've met with the teacher, I saw a truly dedicated mom and teacher. I think that if there were more moms like you, our jobs as teachers might be easier!

  3. I love Netflix for the Ted Talks, the Cosmos Series, and so many other science an nature documentaries... Check 'em out!
