So, I got 17/25. Trickery, haha!
I should have caught on to the pattern that all the answers would be false after the first eight were statements that I knew to be false. But that Einstein question! I'd always heard that he was a poor student, and when I was struggling with making a (gasp) B or even a (double gasp) C in a challenging class like Trigonometry or Organic Chemistry, I always reminded myself of this "fact!" It always sort of let me forgive myself for not being excellent in EVERYTHING, being the perfectionist that I used to be (and still revert back to sometimes). Maybe if I'd ever had more than one science teacher tell me that it was okay to be wrong, I would have been more accepting of myself for doing the best I could.
Now, for the mice eating cheese..... I had pet mice, and I can tell you that they DID eat that stuff, because my dad thought it was funny to feed it to them!! But, yes it's definitely true that they did prefer the healthier stuff like grains (which is what I fed them when my dad wasn't up to his antics). And man, did they LOVE the peanut butter!
Moth larvae.... Getting technical, huh? ;-) Okay, you got me on that one. Good move.
SOS... Now that was interesting! I had no idea that it doesn't actually mean anything! I guess we can thank cartoons for that!
You mean to tell me that A Bug's Life isn't real?? I thought that everything Disney made was factual! But seriously, this is interesting! Now I know that moths are actually circling around light, and that they aren't actually drawn to it. And this is why I LOVE science.
I also don't know much about boiling water and steam, as it turns out, haha!
The most interesting to me was that penicillin doesn't kill bacteria but stops the formation of the daughter's cell wall. I seriously never knew that! So interesting! That must have been amazing to be in the room when that discovery was made. That makes me wonder about the exact mechanisms of all the other medicines and herbal remedies that are available. I know they work, but HOW do they work? Some research options for when I have some extra time, I guess....which is NEVER! Ha!
I'm really glad we took that little quiz. Life is about learning! By the way, I spot a few excellent opportunities for outdoor learning in this quiz!
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